Release notes - June 2021

Thanks to your feedback! We fixed some bugs and have some new features ready to be used! Read all about them below:

New functionalities

Pool assignments [Premium]
Scheduled assignments was already an efficient way to plan Capptions.
But we added some cool possibilities.
Is there a to-do Capption that needs to be completed by one member of a certain team? Or it has to be done by one member of every team, but it's not important who completes it? Then check this out!


Transfer Capption from user to user
It is now possible to transfer a Capption from user A to user B.
When a user has an inspection in progress but is absent at the moment. You want to be able to transfer the inspection to some that can complete it before the set deadline.

Learn in this article how this works

Multi-factor authentication without SSO  [Paid service]
There is a lot possible with Capptions! We recently built a multi-factor authentication without SSO for one of our customers. The users will have a two-step log in with a required SMS verification.
Are you curious for the possiblities? Get in contact with us via:


Overdue versus behind schedules 
We optimized the actions list with small changes:

  • Overdue actions now show the actions, where the due date is after today.
  • "Actons behind schedule" are actions that are completed after the due date. 


"Last edited by..." in case file 
We added  "Last updated by User" in the user details, so you can see who updated the case file last. Go to the case file and the update will be shown in the upper right corner.

Bug fixes

✔ The key identifier would not work with single select. This is fixed!
✔  Some fixes in our reporting tool
✔  Small translation improvements