Answer types

There are 11 answer types available for each question:

  1. Short text: open text field, 1 line
  2. Long text: open text field, multiple lines
  3. Rich Text: Same as Long description, now with lay-out options [Premium Only] 
  4. Number: answer can only be a number
  5. Date: pick a date from the calendar
  6. Date and time: pick a date and a time
  7. Single select: choose 1 option from multiple, predefined answers
    (e.g.: Is the hallway clean? Yes / No / Not applicable)
  8. Multiple select: select 1 or more options from the predefined answers
    (e.g.: Which of the these are applicable? Working on height / High voltage / Dangerous goods)
  9. Assignment: e.g. "Walk around item x" or "Take a photo of the front of the building"
  10. Source: load options from a source. This is possible via an internal or external source. E.g.: Teams, Users or Locations (internal) or via an API* (external) .
    *Premium Only]
  11. Carbon copy: send report to a specified email address