How to create and publish a bundle in the Marketplace

Take note 

  • Creating and publishing a bundle in the Capptions Marketplace is only possible when you are a Capptions partner.
  • To become a partner, it is necessary to undergo a screening process conducted by a capptions staff member.To schedule a meeting, kindly send an email to
  • After creating an organization, a Capptions staff member must grant you access to publish a bundle on the marketplace.

Publish a bundle onto the Marketplace 

Step 1:  Configure your account details 

To successfully publish your bundle, it is essential that you first configure your account details. This is necessary to ensure that you receive payment promptly once your bundle has been purchased by users. Your account details will be configured together with a Capptions staff member. 

Step 2: Build your templates 

2.1 : Create  your form 

 Click on templates then select "+Form"  Once you have built your form, publish it. If you need assistance with building forms, you can refer to our helpful article on How to build questions in a form.

2.2: Create your report 

Click on the "Report" tab then select "+Report" . Customize your report  and publish it . if you need assistance with customizing your report , you can refer to our help article on How to create a PDF report template 

2.3: Create your workflow 

Click on the "Workflow" tab then select "+Workflow". Build your workflow and publish it. if you need assistance building your workflow, you can refer to our help article on How to build a workflow

2.4:  Create a Dashboard 

Click on the " Dashboards" tab then select "+Dashboards".  Create your dashboard and publish it. If you need assistance building your workflow, you can refer to our help article on. How to create KPI Dashboards

Step 3: Build your bundle 

Click "Bundles" then click "+Bundle". Provide your bundle with a name and short description. 

Step 4: Add content to your bundle 

4.1: Write a detailed description so users understand what to expect when buying your bundle. Include valuable information about the contents of the bundle, guide users on how to use it, and indicate how often it's updated. You might want to note any government regulations your checklist adheres to. Also, provide your contact details so users can reach out to you.
4.2: Add images that highlight your brand/ company, provide users a glimpse into the layout of your form or  final report. 
4.3: Add all the templates that you built in step 2 of the article. 
Step 5: Define your pricing type
Choose between the pricing options made available or make use of the hybrid approach to provide users varied options 
5.1 One time purchase price 
5.2 Recurring price ( Monthly or Yearly)
Step 6: Create bundle wizard 
Creating a bundle wizard enables users to easily set up your bundle in their own organization and assign tasks to teams and individual members. The set up of the wizard is based on the role responsibilities set in your workflows. 
6.1 Select the input type 
6.2 Describe  the step title
6.3 Describe the step description 
This will be helpful to the user to ensure that they allocate the tasks to the correct team or member. Tip, describe the role/ team or the responsibility of the role/team in relation to the task
Step 7: Publish the bundle
Click the "Publish bundle " button on the top right of the screen. Your bundle will now be available for users to purchase on the Marketplace 

And that's how easy it is! 

We hope this article is helpful in creating and publishing a bundle in the marketplace. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at

Thank you for choosing Capptions Direct as your EHS Management Software. We look forward to helping you make your workplace safer and more efficient!