How to create KPI Dashboards

Why Create KPI Dashboards 

 KPI dashboards are valuable tools offering a centralized platform for monitoring, analysis, and communication of specific data about your processes in real-time, ultimately enabling you to identify areas of improvement, isolate trends, and contribute to better decision-making and overall success in environmental, health, and safety initiatives.

Before we get started 

Take note 

  • You can only create KPI Dashboards via the web portal. 
  • You can create KPI Dashboards if you are an "owner" or "admin" of the organization. 
  • Data visible in the dashboard is derived from kpi's set within a form template. 
  • You can only create a dashboard from a single workflow at a time. 

Create a KPI Dashboard 

Step 1: Sign in to the Capptions Direct web portal

Sign in to your Capptions Direct account using this link

Step 2: Select an organization 

Click on the drop-down arrow in the screen's top left-hand corner. From there, select your organization.

Step 3: Click on Templates 

Step 4: Click Dashboards 

Step 5: Click: +Dashboards button

Each dashboard created can contain multiple charts within it; each chart can be used to highlight a particular KPI. 

5.1 Create your dashboard and provide it with a title. 

5.2 Click on the drop-down button, select the workflow you want to create a dashboard from and click on the 'Submit' button.

Step 6: Add a widget

Each widget represents a chart type, Big Number, Calendar, or Informative text. Select the type you want to use. Click on a Widget to start configuring.

6.1: Select a data source 

Select your data source from the default options provided 

6.2 Add a new data source 

Based on the KPIs created in your form template, you will be able to also include these as a data source. Click "Manage" then Click "Add Data Source". Add as many data sources as needed. Click to view an article on creating KPIs in the form 

6.2.2 Select the relevant KPI's 

Provide the KPI with a title and an optional description.  

Step 7: Add a title for the widget 

The title represents the type of data that is being displayed 

Step 8: Manage display settings 

The display settings allow for customization of the chart type that is being used by line items, orientation, and colors of Legenda items. 

Step 9: Preview 

Once the widget has been built to completion, click "Submit". On the top right corner of the Dashboard builder, click "Preview " to view how the dashboard will be presented once published.

Step 10: Add additional widgets 

Follow steps 6-9 until the Dashboard is built to completion. You can add as many widgets as you want. 

Step 11: Publish 

Click "Publish" on the top right corner to activate the dashboard.


And that's how easy it is! 

We hope this article is helpful in creating KPI dashboards. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at 

Thank you for choosing Capptions Direct as your EHS Management Software. We look forward to helping you make your workplace safer and more efficient!