Users can complete Capptions from their mobile devices at their own convenience.
Follow these steps to start inspections via mobile apps:
1. Log into the app.
2. You will see a dashboard view with recent activity such as tasks that are in progress, to do, and completed.
Click on the plus button to start a new Capption or select one of the templates from 'In-Progress' to complete a previously started Capption.
Start - Use 'Start' to start filling the template from the first question itself.
Save - Use this button for intermediate save of the template. You can revisit this template for completion later. This template will not go to your supervisor until you mark it as complete.
Discard - Use this button to discard any filled response in the template. Nothing will be saved if you choose this option.
5. Start filling in your responses:
Navigation - You can navigate left and right between the questions by using the 'Arrow' button.
Complete - Use the 'Tick' box button to mark the inspection as complete. The success of this function depends on whether you have filled all mandatory questions.
Attachment/Evidence - Use this button to attach an evidence in the form of Notes/ Images. Type notes in the space provided and add attachments by clicking from camera or attaching from your gallery (More info).
6. Once you are done with the filling, click on 'Complete' to save and send your inspection. It will be then stored on the cloud and accessible to your supervisor/admin.
That's it, you are all set!