Release notes - March 2019

Released functionality:

1. Hide section from pdf

If you want a section not showing in the pdf report by default you can now set that in the editor. Simply hit the 'eye' icon on the section:

2. Select sub teams toggle

You can now select sub teams at once by double clicking the 'mother' team, or deselect all teams at once, like in the animation below:

3. Extra filter options for actions

Curious what actions are open for a certain team or what the status is for actions you assigned? You can now filter on the team of the assignee and for actions assigned by you, we've added a shortcut in the navigation!

4. Period range in URL

From now on the reporting range (e.g. This month) is stored in the URL, this means that you can save the link to a particular graph in the reporting module and it'll always be up to date!

Pro tip: 'Star' or bookmark the URL to gain quick access to the graph!

Bug Fixes and small improvements:

  1. Improved image upload
  2. Swiping through sections in the web app is now disabled
  3. Checked Capptions can be made visible in the app by settings
  4. Fixed a warning for deleting a case file
  5. Fixed non expiring Capptions (for non recurring scheduled Capptions)