The Capptions platform includes the following modules:
- Mobile applications for conducting inspections, logging observations and completing assigned actions;
- A web environment for managing inspections, observations, actions and real time reporting;
- Notifications of new observations, inspections or completed actions via push, e-mail and web.
“Safer Operations, Engaged people”
Use a smartphone, tablet and computer for:
- Logging observations within a few clicks;
- Conducting inspections;
- Receiving assigned actions;
- Adding photos, videos, signatures and documents;
- Real time insights in completed inspections, observations and actions;
- Reporting of observations and integrated action management;
- Analysing of inspections and observations with the extensive reporting possibilities;
- Receiving notifications and feedback.
"Save up to 50% on inspection time with the Inspections module”
- The Inspections module is developed to easily conduct inspections: relieve inspectors from a lot of bureaucracy!
- You can completely create your own forms like LMRAs, workplace inspections, audits and checklists.
- Use different answer types like multiple choice, text boxes or assignments.
- Define rules for detecting deviations automatically or hiding irrelevant questions.
- Add photos, videos, signatures and notes to clarify your answers.
"Recording an observation is done in a few clicks with Observations!”
- Easily log and share observations instantly
- Reduce bureaucracy
- By using photo and film, the situation is less ambiguous and open for interpretations by a manager.
- In the web environment the observations can be edited, managed and analysed
- Categorize observations on their location, category and/or type for easy trend analysis.
- Add the different locations of your organisation
- Manage observations via self defined casefiles
"Create and assign actions, monitor the progress”
- Actions can be added to a casefile. Manage your observations and related actions at the same time.
- Assigned actions can easily be received and managed on smartphone or tablet. This results in a list with personal to-do’s, including deadlines and priorities.
- Post an update when progress is made on an action.
- Via a realtime dashboard, the manager has a clear overview of all actions, with their assignees, statuses, deadlines and progress.
- Actions can be filtered on priority, assignee, status and related case file.
“Real time reporting!”
All collected data from the other modules (inspections, observations and actions) are visible in the reporting module. There are different charts available to represent your data: pie charts, bar charts, line charts and stacked area charts. You have the option to group and filter data as well. In case you’re interested in a specific set of information, you can drill down to underlying data and details.