How to use a User name in a KPI

Learn how to use a User name in a KPI

Why use a User name in a KPI

User Select is a field type in the form builder that allows for selecting and forwarding a task to a specific person during the form fill-out. By using this value in a KPI, you can create User name labels that can be displayed in an Open Task, KPI dashboard,  Results Overview and PDF Report. 

Take note 

  • KPIs can be created in the form builder or by using the KPI node in the workflow builder. 
  • Only members of your organization can be selected. 

Create KPIs for User Select 

Step 1: Build a new form or include the User Select field type in an existing form 

1.1 To add a User Select field type. Click

1.2: Click  

1.3: Edit the Question box 

Step 2: Create a Formulas & KPI 

2.1: Click Formulas & KPI's 

2.2: Click Enable Formulas & KPI's

Step 3: Add Input Variables

3.1 Under Input Variables, click to add VALUES

3.2. Click Choose form fields and select the User select field. The variable name will be automatically generated as a combination of numbers and letters. e.g: Z6E1B3

3.4 Under Formulas, click   to add the EXPRESSION and RESULT NAME 

Step 4: Add Expression

When incorporating the variable name into the expression, remember to prefix it with a dollar sign ($) for correct usage.

Use the following expressions to generate the correct label: 

  • User id: GETUSER($variable ).Id = GETUSER($Z6E1B3).Id
  • User first name: GETUSER($variable).firstName =GETUSER($Z6E1B3).firstName
  • User last name: GETUSER($variable).lastName =GETUSER($Z6E1B3).lastName
  • User Full name: GETUSER($variable).firstName + ' ' + GETUSER($variable).lastName= GETUSER($Z6E1B3).firstName+ ' ' + GETUSER($Z6E1B3).lastName


And that's how easy it is! 

We hope this article helps you use a User Name in a KPI. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at

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