How to create recurring sections in a form

This article will guide you to create recurring sections in a form

What are recurring sections? 

Recurring sections in a form template enable you to copy the same sections multiple times in one form. This is useful in the event that a user will be required to enter multiple instances of the same set of questions. This will, therefore, prevent users from starting multiple inspection forms.  

Before we get started 

Take note 

  • You can only create and manage recurring sections in the form if you are an "owner" or "admin". 
  • You can only create a recurring section in a form via the web portal. 
  • When responses have been entered in a recurring section, the responses will not auto-populate when you conduct an inspection.

Create a recurring section. 

Step 1: Sign in to the Capptions Direct web portal

Sign in to your Capptions Direct account using the link

Step 2: Select an organization 

Click on the drop-down arrow in the top left-hand corner and select the organization you would like to create a form for. 

Step 3: Click on Templates 

Step 4: Click on the Edit  tab of a form you are creating a repeat section for

Step 5: Create a new section or select an existing one 

Create a new section and click on the 'Add a form section' icon to create a new section and add your questions. 

Step 6: Check the Recurring  section box 

Step 7: Enter the Min Occurrences  and or Max Occurrences

By setting a Minimum occurrence, you can ensure that the section is completed at least a certain amount of times. By setting a Maximum occurrence, you can ensure control of the number of times a user can input a particular section. 

Step 8: Click Preview  to preview the form and test it 

Preview and test the form out to find out if the form works accordingly.

Step 9:  Click Publish on the top right of the page to publish the template. 

Once you are ready to publish the template, do so. If not, you can always come back to it at a later stage. 


And that's how easy it is! 

We hope this article is helpful in creating recurring sections in a form. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at 

Thank you for choosing Capptions Direct as your EHS Management Software. We look forward to helping you make your workplace safer and more efficient!