How to assign Role responsibilities in a workflow

The role responsibility feature allows you to determine which members of your team are responsible for completing all or selected tasks within the workflow

Before we get started 

Take note 

  • A role could represent a single user, any user from a specific team, or the team responsible for completing workflow tasks.
  • You can only determine the role responsibility of the task within the workflow if you are an "Admin" or " Owner" 
  • The default system role responsibility that can be determined is the "initiator," which means that the same person who starts the workflow is responsible for completing all tasks within the workflow.
  • You must always determine the role responsibility of the tasks within the workflow before publishing it. 
  • You can only determine role responsibilities via the web portal. 
  • All the roles you define must be assigned while assigning the workflow to a team. 

Assign Role Responsibilities 

Step 1: Sign in to the Capptions Direct web portal

Sign in to your Capptions Direct account using the link

Step 2: Select an organization 

Click on the drop-down arrow in the top left-hand corner and select your organization.

Step 3: Select a workflow or create a new one

Click on Templates -> Workflows-> + Create workflow. Build your workflow to include a single Form node and Report node. Ensure your first node is connected to the start and the last node to the end of the workflow. 

Step 4: Determine the role responsibility types within the workflow

The default role responsibility on Capption Direct is the Initiator. The role responsibility can be set for all tasks within the workflow, meaning that any team member who starts the workflow will be assigned all the following tasks within the workflow to complete.

On the right top of the workflow builder, click the  Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 12.52.13 icon and select the "Role responsibilities " option. You will have the option to determine between the role responsibility type of: 

1)  Every user in a team- Every user in a team will be required to complete the task before it can progress to the next stage in the process 

2) Any user in a team- any user in a team can complete the task, and it will progress further along the process. This also means that users can assign tasks to themselves and dismiss them as well. 

3) Specific user: Only a specific person within the team will be responsible for completing the task 

4) Specific workflow: The start of a new workflow will be triggered. Meaning you can join two workflows. This works best in the instance where you have a condition that " if this" answer is provided or action is taken,  "then that" should happen next. 

Step 5: Provide the Title of the role responsibility 

The title provided can be described as the user/user's job role or describe the level of responsibility that the user has for the task. e.g: Manager / Director 

Step 6: Assign a role responsibility to each node in the workflow 

Where applicable, like in the Form, Report, and Review nodes, assign the appropriate role responsibilities to ensure the correct persons complete the tasks.

Step 7: Publish workflow

Once the process has been built to completion, click on the "Publish" button on the top right corner of the Workflow builder. 

Assign Value to the role responsibilities within the workflow.

When assigning a workflow to a team, the value of the role responsibility can change depending on which members are in the team that the workflow is being assigned to. This can be the case in instances where you have different branches/sites with different employees who complete the same workflow. This feature has, therefore, been designed to fit multiple use cases. 

Step 8: Assign the Workflow to your team 

8.1 Navigate to a published workflow. 

8.2 Assign the workflow to the team responsible for completing it.

Click on the   Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 12.52.13  icon located on the far right of the workflow you want to assign. Click "Assign to Team" and select the team from the list of existing teams you have created, or create a new team. 

Step 9: Assign a Value to the role responsibilities created 

Once the workflow has been assigned to a team, You must assign a value to the role responsibilities you have created in the workflow. Meaning, create a link between the role responsibility and the persons within the team. This is because members of the same team could have different tasks they would need to complete. This needs to be, therefore, defined. 

Step 10: Click " Assign Workflow to Team " to initiate changes 


And that's how easy it is. We hope this article helps in assigning Role Responsibilities in a workflow. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at 

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