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  2. Organization Settings

Events that trigger notifications

An overview of how to set your personal notifications preferences can be found here. In this article all events that trigger a notification are explained.


Observation processed: The user that captured an observation will receive this notification when his observation is used for a case file and who is his contact.

Observation archived: The user that captured an observation will receive this notification when his observation is archived.

Case file assigned: When a case file is assigned to another 'case file owner', the new owner will receive a notification of this.

Case file contribution: When a case file is changed by someone else than the 'case file owner', the owner will receive this notification.

New observation: When an observation with 'low' or 'medium' priority, all users with permission 'manage observations' will receive a notification.

New observation high prio: When an observation is issued with 'high', 'very high' or 'extreme' priority, all users with permission 'manage case files' will receive a notification.

New publication: Every user in the organization will receive a notification when a publication is published.

Action completed: When an action is marked as completed by the assignee, the assigner of the action will be notified.

Case file action completed: When an action, related to a case file, is marked as completed by the assignee, the owner of the case file will be notified.

Action accepted: When an action request is accepted by the assignee, the assigner of the action will be notified.

Action rejected: When an action request is rejected by the assignee, the assigner of the action will be notified.

Inspections Assigned: Users can easily assign an inspection assigned even within a question. 

Inspection completed: The users with the permission 'manage inspections' in the organization will receive a notification when an inspector completes an inspection.