Answer types Different answer types can help you answer questions more easily.
API Application Programming Interface (API) is the connection from the Capptions platform to other systems or databases.
Assigning inspections You can assign inspections to departments or individual users within your organisation
Barcodes & QR codes The app can read Bar and QR codes, so you don't have to type any serial numbers etc.
Branded apps We can provide you with a branded app, with your own logo and colors
Case files Case files are used to add information to observations. Add categories, types, summaries and actions to it.
Checked inspections Managers can change the status of an inspection to 'checked', meaning that they've seen the inspections and it's OK
Custom attributes: We can define extra fields or categories for you in a case file
Dashboards The default dashboards give you info on how your organisation is performing
Data values : Data values are used to give a score to a certain answer in an inspection. E.g. OK = 100 points, Not OK = 10 points
Escalate to observation: Transform any question into an observation and categorize them. This way you'll get insights in how well you're performing as an organisation
Evidence You can add media (photo and video) and comments to questions, observations and actions
Excel export You can create exports to MS Excel from every piece of data in our platform; inspections, observations, actions, users etc.
Form builder We've created a form builder so you can build your own templates.
Formulas: You can use formulas to calculate (sub) scores for an inspection. This way you can compare inspections more easily
GPS If enabled, you can track the GPS location of inspections and observations.
Help texts & images For every question you can add a help text and image. They can help the inspector with answering the question
Hooks: Hooks are automated actions in the platform based on your behavior, think of an automatic email to a certain email address. This is custom made!
Inspection in progress You can set an inspection to 'in progress', meaning you can continue it later on
Integrations We can integrate with other systems within your organisation!
Introduction page Create an introduction page for every template, you can add instructions and media
Jobs Jobs are scheduled and automated; e.g. a weekly export for a specific set of inspections
Key identifier The key identifier helps you finding certain inspections by their unique identifier. Based on the identifier certain fields can be prefilled if they're known in the system
Labels Labels are flags that are added based on your answers in an inspection. They make sure you pay attention to the right inspections.
Locations Locations can be added to a casefile and used for reporting purposes; you can easily compare locations with each other!
Mandatory questions Important questions can me made mandatory so they don't remain blank. You cannot complete an inspection without answering all mandatory questions.
Messaging Messaging with the admin in your organisation can be enabled. This is a very easy way of first line support.
Notifications Notifications are meant to make users aware of completed inspections, actions, new observations etc. You can be notified via push, web and email.
Offline functionality All apps work offline. Once you're back online; your inspections, actions and observations will be synchronised with the server.
PDF report We create a pdf report for you right after you're done with your inspection. No more copying and pasting of photos etc!
Permissions Permissions make sure that users can only see and use what they're allowed to.
Placeholder Placeholders are used to give a user an idea what they should or could answer to a question.
Prefixes & suffixes Use symbols that you can add in front of or after an aswer (e.g. €,$,%, cm, kg)
Priority You can give an observation a certain priority, from low to extreme. This way managers can decide when they need to take action
Publications Share your finding with your organisation. This way you ensure your organisation learns and improves!